Saturday, August 8, 2009

On 06th Aug Rex finally pooped after 3 days....Yipee!! It was an unbelievable yet exuberant sight seeing Rex struggled step by step from his mattress to his usual spot in the garden (laced with newspapers), squat as we painfully watched the poop land on the newspapers...Bingo...We strucked gold...Hahaha!! At the end of his 3rd post surgery day at home, Rex pooped a total of two times...A big relieve to both Rex and the family.

Rex started wearing the E-collar aka Necky as he was beginning to sniff and lick his stitches area.

Rex obviously doesn't like Necky very much..but we had no choice as it's for his own good.

Rex has been put on 2-weeks of antibiotics and although Rex loves almost anything edible, medicine is definitely not on his list! So we devised a plan to help him take his medication regularly and I must say it is working quite well (at the moment)..We break his 1 antibiotic capsule required twice a day into 2 and stuff them into bits of banana...Well Rex loves his bananas!!

Rex being a GR loves attention and what is more comfortable than snuggling and falling asleep on someone's lap zzz...


  1. Eh..u know what..I would really love to have him sleep on my lap again! That was such a tender moment, to feel his breathing and to hear his loud snoring=) It makes me smile whenever I think about it!

  2. he was actually snoring? that pig...

  3. hee...he sounded just like u actually...quite loud, exactly like as u described..=D HAHAHA=D
