Thursday, August 6, 2009

At 6:05am this morning we took Rex out to the garden hoping that he will wee wee..Not much was happening for awhile Rex didn't quite budged from the mattress even after lots of coaxing...however must to everyone' surprise Rex got up and started walking to the grass area when we started applying some iodine to his wound, could be due to the initial pain.Yipee...Rex successfully wee wee after a 24hour interval!
As for poo poo...we are still waiting in anticipation...

His appetite doesn't seem to be affected which is a good thing - Rex had 3/4 cup of doggie kibbles plus some fruits for breakfast.
This is Rex trying to take a few steps...with some help of course! He can now sit for while which is a good improvement.
After breakfast Rex took a short nap but has since woken up and is currently chewing on a bone which should keep him occupied for a while.
Rex certainly looks much better today as compared to the past 2 days; I think he is fast going back to his usual self.
I hope he naps soon...

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