Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

Monday, August 24, 2009

Quick update from where we left off 2 weeks ago.
Rex has been steadily recovering; and apart from the brief shock Jie had with mr rex boy biting off the stitches around his weewee area :P, thereby exposing the half dangling piece of exposed freshly-operated-flesh, rushing him to the on-call vet at GlobalPets who stitched him back up on a Sunday afternoon; - he's doing pretty ok. in fact he's had his first shower since the op almost 3 weeks ago.

just a note to mention he had a bit of problem walking on the operated hip/leg last thurs night/friday morning and we were a bit concerned. so we took him in for a checkup in the afternoon and the doctors say its nothing to worry about. in fact they thought he walked fine, for a 3-weeks post surgery condition. so kind dr Lim just did the normal stuff for him like clipping of his nails, cleaning his (very dirty) ears, and shaving off that overgrown fur around his paws. nonetheless we felt it was something out of the ordinary cos he walked much better before that. in any case. he's doing much better now and walking almost ordinarily, as he would have before surgery. at least putting some weight on the right leg. if anything, his left hip looks like its developing some sort of problem now! for one, his left knee is like jutting out when he's standing still. hopefully he starts putting more weight and relies on the right now that it's fixed and hence not aggravate whatever problems he has on the left side.

i'll update more soon. but for now just to put on record the underlying reason for this blog is to create awareness to owners of man's best friends so they know what's normal, what's not, what the doctors dont tell you after TPO's done (thank you very much) and why your dog doesnt sleep on the first night after he's back from the operation, when he does his first potty after that, how he doesnt like E-collars, when the dissolvable stitches go away etc. at least we've been through it and seen it happen to rex. so here's to all golden retriever owners. to the best dogs ever.

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