Saturday, October 17, 2009

Sorry for the's just an update on dear Rex:

Rex went to the doctor on 14/10 and was given an "ok" from the doctor! Rex weighed in at 28.2 kgs and has since developed some leg muscle on his right (operated) hind leg which is a good thing as the doc was earlier worried that Rex would not put weight on his operated leg. The doc was worried that Rex's operated leg muscle would slowly 'die' if he does not start moving and exercising it. We were advised to help him exercise e.g. run so that he will build up his leg muscle. Running...well that is certainly not a problem for Rex, we are just sometimes afraid that he will not stop running that's all!!!

Meanwhile his left hind leg condition has been diagnosed as "straight hock" (definition: the tarsal joint of the hind leg of a digitigrade quadruped, such as a horse or dog, corresponding to the human ankle but bending in the opposite direction) basically meaning that Rex's left hind leg bends in the opposite direction when he stands for too long. The doctor confirmed that it is not life threating and something that Rex will have to live with for the rest of his life; not even a TPO operation will be of help. Well Rex is thus spared from going through another round of the dreaded TPO!

The doctor's only advice for us is to help keep Rex's weight below 30kgs so that his body weight will not put too much pressure on both his hind legs. Other than that, Rex is as healthy (and handsome) as a golden retriever can be!!!

Oh by the way, Rex turned 1 year old on 15/10 and was rewarded with a bone which he relished and guarded with those sharp pointed teeth of his!

TPO surgery is by far one of the most excruciating and major operation that a dog can ever possibly go through. We are all glad and thankful for the means, love and care we could give to Rex to help him overcome this epsisode in his doggie lifetime.